To provide you with a professional evidence-based physiotherapy service, to maximise your health outcomes.
Supporting our values and providing quality Physiotherapy to our patients in the Waikato, we ask our team to always demonstrate Effort, Energy, & Enthusiasm for your care.

Vigour Physiotherapy Waikato
Your team of professional physiotherapists based in Cambridge, Te Awamutu & South Waikato, New Zealand.
We're dedicated to working with you to provide the best physio care possible. The Vigour team deliver an innovative and holistic approach to physiotherapy and are able to identify your exact needs and assist you in getting you moving and maintaining your peak health.
No referral from your doctor needed. ACC accredited.

Contact Vigour
Fill out the form and someone will be in touch

Level 1, 48 Empire St,
P 07 823 1506
E admin@vigourphysio.co.nz
Te Awamutu
385 Vaile Street,
Te Awamutu 3800
P 07 871 7790
E teawamutu@vigourphysio.co.nz
South Waikato
Located within Strong By Blood Gym
81 Princes Street, Putaruru
P 07 823 1506
E southwaikato@vigourphysio.co.nz